Procedure Text


·         The definition of procedure text:
         Procedure text is a text which describes the steps or process on doing something. The title of procedure text usually begins with “How to …… “. The kind of this text is also called as semi-paragraphs because it is not about the same as other kinds of texts which are full of paragraphs. Procedure text is almost consists of points on steps or methods of doing something.
Procedure text should be written based on the fact not the estimation of the writer. Procedure text has also to be explained in detail and clear. Procedure text is dominantly structured with imperative sentence because it actually an instruction. 

·         The purpose of procedure text:
The goal of procedure text is to give the information of steps on doing something as clearly as possible.

·         The characteristics of procedure text:
- The procedure text uses Present Simple Tense because it contains of imperatives or commands to do something.
e.g       : Put some salt as necessary.
- The procedure text explains the steps by using the temporal conjunctions.
e.g       : First, you have to prepare all the ingredients that you need to use.
             And then, wash the vegetables with the warm water.
- The procedure text explains the procedure on points.

·         The generic structure of procedure text:
1. Goal                                    : The goal of the text gives the writer’s purpose of explaining what to do in the text.                                                      The goal of the text is the title of the text itself.
2. Material/ ingredients          : This part explains what things are required. It maybe tools, spices or ingredients ( if the goal is to make some food or drinks ).
3. Methods/ steps                    : These are the points on the process of doing something in a sequence order.

·         The kinds of procedure text:

1. This kind of text explains how something works or how to use something.
    e.g       : how to insert the sim card, how to make a photo frame, how to make a twitter account
2. This kind of text instructs how to do a particular activity ( recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules, etc )
    e.g       : how to make a blueberry cheesecake, how to set the seatbelt
3. This kind of text is about human behavior.

    e.g       : how to relieve stress, how to be successful, three tips on how to be an optimistic person
